CRUD(create, retrieve,update, delete)
标准的CRUD操作- -
- Add - Once the user clicks on the Add button/link they are presented with a form, clicking on Cancel takes them back to the listing with no action being taken, clicking on Add (or Submit, Insert, etc.) inserts the item into the system and returns the user to the listing.
- Edit - Once the user clicks on the Edit button/link they are presented with a form representing the particular item, again clicking on Cancel takes them back to the listing with no action, clicking on Update updates the system with the user's changes and returns them to the listing.
- Delete - Once the user clicks on the Delete button/link they are presented with a confirmation page identifying the item(s) they wish to delete, cancel takes them back to the listing, confirming deletes the item(s) and returns the user to the listing.
- View - Once the user clicks on the item link (or you can have a separate View link) they are presented with a read-only version of the selected item and can either Cancel or Edit that item. Cancelling returns them to the listing, Edit takes them to an Edit form and follows the normal flow from there.
AJAX全称为“Asynchronous JavaScript and XML”(异步JavaScript和XML),是指一种创建交互式网页应用的网页开发技术。它有机地组合了以下几种技术:
Ajax(Asynchronous JavaScript + XML)的定义
基于web标准(standards-based presentation)XHTML+CSS的表示;
使用 DOM(Document Object Model)进行动态显示及交互;
使用 XML 和 XSLT 进行数据交换及相关操作;
使用 XMLHttpRequest 进行异步数据查询、检索;
使用 JavaScript 将所有的东西绑定在一起。英文参见Ajax的提出者Jesse James Garrett的原文a
AJAX的应用使用支持以上技术的web浏览器作为运行平台。这些浏览器目前包括:Mozilla、Firefox、Internet Explorer、Opera、Konqueror及Safari。但是Opera不支持XSL格式对象,也不支持XSLT。[1]
与此不同,AJAX应用可以仅向服务器发送并取回必需的数据,它使用SOAP或其它一些基于XML的web service接口,并在客户端采用JavaScript处理来自服务器的响应。因为在服务器和浏览器之间交换的数据大量减少,结果我们就能看到响应更快的应用。同时很多的处理工作可以在发出请求的客户端机器上完成,所以Web服务器的处理时间也减少了。